Focus on the Family

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Emotional and Family Counseling

Acts 20/20 Ministries cannot over emphasize the importance of Lesson 10, The Pathway to Inner Peace.

The lesson is very brief, but it is one of the most important teachings in God’s Word. Jesus focused on the issue of forgiving many times. He practiced what He preached when He was nailed to the cross.

Sometimes we cannot do what God’s Word is telling us to do, so our loving Lord has provided qualified Christian counselors to help us obtain victory over issues that have almost destroyed us.

Acts 20/20 recommends Focus On The Family

Dr. Dobson and his ministry have resources for the more difficult problems that we cannot work out ourselves.

Focus on the Family has resources for the individual and families to reach a level of balance and maturity according to God’s Word.

You may contact Focus On The Family at:

Focus On The Family
Colorado Springs, CO 80995

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